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3 Most Common Type of HTTP Status Code

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3 Most Common Type of HTTP Status Code
This article will be sharing about the 3 most common types of HTTP Codes. In this article, you will get to know about the 3 most common types of HTTP Codes.
404 Not Found

404 Not Found

The server will respond "404 Not Found" to you when it unable to find the page you are going to visit. The server will automatically redirect to another page that was already set up, if there are no preset settings are done before, then the user will remain on the same page.
500 Error Code

500 Error Code

When the server contains a technical issue, it will cause the website unable to load for the webpage at the moment.
408 Request Time Out

408 Request Time Out

When it takes a longer time to load a webpage it will show "408 request time out", you will need to refresh the browser or may try on another browser to visit the same webpage again.

There are still have plenty of status codes instead of only these 3 types, if you wish to discover more about the status code, you may go have research on it.
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