©2007-2023 Web Design Johor Bahru | Kuala Lumpur (Sunway Nexis) | SEO | Webteq
RM80,000 for 10 Domains!
Mobile :: Subpage :: Domain Related
Long long time ago...
A client (Steven) told us about the BIG problem that he is facing for his company website. A website designer promised to help to improve his business visibility at Google Search Result. He was proposed to develop 10 websites at one time. The idea was so tempting and Steven agreed to proceed!

Then… you know la, the BIG problem surfaced. When Steven noticed the Google Search Result was not good, he decided to stop the project. When he requested that vendor to trasnsfer those 10 domains to another vendor, the actual problem surfaced! The website vendor claimed for RM80,000 in order for them to release those domains to Steven. If not… Aiyo… Alamak!
done Why the ownership of domain is important?
done Why we paid but we still loss the domain?
done How to prevent losing domain ownership?
done Other domain related information.



Why the ownership of domain is important?

  If you're not sure what is Domain, please read this.
Imagine. When we first started our business, we will have one dedicated moible number for business use. And, our business card will be printed with that mobile number. We will try our best to keep the same phone number, maybe as long as our whole life. It is because we understand that our mobile number is the entrance for our customers to start buying from us. Anyone who needs our products or services can always reach us using the SAME phone number. Back to the topic Domain. In this generation, other than phone call, we also use email for comunication, especially for thos important messages. We also use website to represent our business in Internet. Same like our phone number, we hope that customers can always reach us through the SAME email & website. To do this, we have to make sure that we always use the SAME domain.  Imagine again. We use the email & website for many years. Because of some reasons, we loss the domain and other competitor takes over. What will happen? 

But hor… some companies lost their domain when they decided to change another web hosting vendor or web designer.
Or, some companies even agreed with the new web designer to change to another domain.



Why we paid but we still loss the domain?

Reason#1 We are not the "Actual" owner.
When we buy a car, we pay the installments every month. At the end, we own that car. It is not because we have PAID. It is because our name is stated as Owner in the car log book. Does it sounds logic? Same thing goes to Domain Ownership. Yes, we paid for the domain registration fee, and we paid for the web hosting fee. But, what is the "Log Book" for domain? And, is our name is used as Owner in that "Log Book"? 
Alright. The so-called "Log Book" of our domain is the Registrant Details of the domain. As the owner who supposed to pay & own the domain, we have to ensure that the Registrant Details are using our Company Name and Email. When something really bad happened, we can still prove the ownership. To know how to check, please read here.
Reason#2 Something wrong at the web hosting vendor side.
If we are not the "Actual" owner, but the vendor is willing to help us, nothing to be worried. It is still fine.

The real big issue happens because of these:
1.  The web hosting vendor is no longer in the business, due to closed down, retirement, etc.
2.  The web hosting vendor suddenly becomes “slow motion” when responding to our request.
3.  The vendor asked for an extreme big sum of amount as “domain transfer fee”.
4. The vendor just doesn’t want to release the domain. Unknown reason. 

So, when we want to start a website, the most important thing  is the Ownership of Domain.


How to prevent losing domain owneship?

Now we know that our Company Name & Email must be registered as Registrant, in order to prove that we are the Owner of Domain.
Based on this general knowledge, we should be able to smell something during registration, if the web hosting vendor doesn't ask for our Company Name & Email. That's simple! Am I right? 

We're going to show you a table of those important details we will be asked when we need Domain Registration
There are too many types of domain, and we will focus on those popular in our region (Johor Bahru, Malaysia).
For anyone with an email address. No proof of identity is required.
- Email Address
*Most common domain, and most troublesome when we need to perform domain transfer.
For Malaysia company use only.
- Company Name
- Business Reg. No.
- SSM Copy
- Email Address
For Malaysia company & Malaysian.
- Company Name
- Business Reg. No.
- SSM Copy
- Email Address
- Full Name as NRIC
- Malaysia NRIC No.
- IC Copy
- Email Address
For Singapore company use only.
- Company Name
- Business Reg. No.
- Singapore Address
- Email Address
- CorpPass
- Director SingPass
For Singapore company & Singaporean.
- Company Name
- Business Reg. No.
- Company Address
- Email Address
- CorpPass
- Director SingPass  
- Full Name as NRIC
- Singapore NRIC No.
- Email Address
- SingPass

Important! Don't let the web hosting vendor register a new email for you, and use it for Domain Registration.
It is meaningless to have a "Car Log Book" with your Name but the Name can be changed by anyone else.
To understand better about this, you may contact us.
Website can be changed. Design can be better. Features can be upgraded. But… DOMAIN is supposed to be used forever. Pay little bit more attention on our domain, and it will save us from a lot of hassles when our website & brand become popular in future. 



Other domain related information.

Domain Info#1
To check the Registrant Details of .com.my and .my (any domain ended with ".my"), please go to https://whois.mynic.my.

Domain Info#2
To check the Registrant Details of .com.sg and .sg (any domain ended with ".sg"), please go to https://www.sgnic.sg.
Domain Info#3
To check the Registrant Details of .com, .net, and .biz (any domain which is NOT bound under any Country), please go to https://www.whois.com.

Domain Info#4
In short, domain is like abc.com, xyz.com.my, 123.com.sg. For detailed definition for domain, please refer to Wikipedia.

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©2007-2023 Web Design Johor Bahru | Kuala Lumpur (Sunway Nexis) | SEO | Webteq
©2007-2023 Web Design Johor Bahru | Kuala Lumpur (Sunway Nexis) | SEO | Webteq