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Track your website traffic with Google Analytics

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Track your website traffic with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside Google Marketing.
Once you have your website, it can connect to your Google Analytics Account. All your website traffic you may check at Google Analytics's backend.
These are five good reasons why you should use Google Analytics.
  • Free of charge
  • Create your customization reports
  • Know your audience behavior well
  • Know your audience is from which social media platform
  • Know how to improve the content of your website
There are still have other benefits if you are using Google Analytics for your website. Our website system allows connecting to Google Analytics too. Through the GA, your can trace back your traffic always.
Analytics makes it easy to understand how your site and app users are engaging with your content, so you know what’s working and what’s not. It effectively can bring up your website performance and with SEO keyword setting. It is an effective way to bring up your company's sales revenue.
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©2007-2023 Web Design Johor Bahru | Kuala Lumpur (Sunway Nexis) | SEO | Webteq
©2007-2023 Web Design Johor Bahru | Kuala Lumpur (Sunway Nexis) | SEO | Webteq