High Quality Stock Images for Free
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HD image is always considered an important part when we create a website or a professional presentation. |
Sometimes, when you have downloaded the image with copyright, it may cause the problem of copyright infringement. Besides this, if you have just started up your new business and do not have the extra budget to hire an in-house designer/ photographer, here is an option where you can easily get the free image. |
Free stock images can be used for marketing purposes, social media, or use it as blog images as well. Those free resources are especially beneficial for those who have just created a business website, this is because it will make the website looks more professional. |
Here are 5 websites that you could download High-Quality Stock images for free: |
Pexels is one of the most popular websites that allow us to get free images to download. It contains more than 9000+ free stocks photos for free. It provides more than 100000+ background stock photos for download. |
All photos published on the Unsplash website can be used for free. It also supports you to download the free images for personal use or commercial use. |
Pixabay is one of the popular websites for you to get free images to download. All the images in pixabay come with a creative commons zero (CC0) licensing, which enables the user to apply the images for personal or business use without violating any copyright. |
This is one of the stock image websites with creative commons zero (CC0) license. Hundreds of high-resolution images are added weekly, all are free to download and use in commercial or personal projects. There are many popular categories such as business, food, office, computer, family, design, work, school, meetings, health, etc. |
Reshot provides a collection of popular images. If you are a designer or a blogger, you can easily get what you are looking for on this site.